September 30, 2011

no title

I have...once...
in prmary school, the friend that close is Lim Sim Yee..still in contact..but for future, is just common friend as I didn't have any close'st friend now..
I'm just like the seed of the lalang...where the wind blows me, and where I will go..means where I will go ,the friend that I meet not always the same..
what happen to my old friends in secondary school?
ya..I have it once...and the memories are still on my mind...if they still remember me? I just know that I'm like invisicle people in their life now..
yeah I'm invicible...seeing the pictures they go out, yeah I'm jealous...
yeah..we are far away..and this seem my friendship with them is far away...
I'm not stupid and not kind hearted

what about my colleague friend?
I didn't know their heart are very friendly or jut pretended..
I'm just smile and just stand what them doing is annoying...

I'm just miss my dear old friend...everytime I want to meet them, there must reason that cannot to be go..
why?I'm just tell myself they are busy for STPM...
and I'm right?but seeing the facebook pictures..I can see they are happy enough without time, I will not do such wishes to ask u all go out with me..I'm such person that not valueable to go ask go out with..

about te matter, why I'm not ask u to go my house on raya....
u know who I am talking about..yeah its you if u are the person..
I tell you the reason..I ald ready sick of rejected invitation, every year I ask you to come and sometimes beg you to come, u will not come over, it just a simple come and eat, I know ur house matter condition, that's why not I will know u are not coming..u feel sad? but how I felt over the years being...asked you...and the raya is not vauable to go, everyone is busy with their vacation on raya, so I will not asking everyone..just think me as a stranger.. and the person u not know..
I'm being glad that I'm alone.yeah...very good to be the feel when shopping alone..talkin to myself...

moves so fast...a month is gone..
it wll takes 2 years for me to graduate my diploma..
so fast...

not very the bed i not fluffy enough, the pillow like wood..
and the roomate which makes noise..
I can't sleep with open light..
just stand it...lately I will able to makes it habit..

the feeling of living in the cell of prison,,but stil good enough than the life for a prisoner...just my heart is prisoned


好久没有写部落格,终于能登入进来。。 看看往事回忆,以前的事在脑海中浮现。 看看11年前的我,和现在变化,有点变化呢。。 开心回到部落格,晒一下我被蚊子🦟咬,哈哈哈 有时间会更新